작성일 : 08-11-19 16:53
From Kevin, from California
조회 : 14,055
글쓴이 : Kevin

On Sunday 3:00 a.m. I went to Del Ray Bay and I went there to
see if the boat working properly and instead of testing by himself he
allowed us to go there. My mom,dad,my older brother,{Michael;} and I
got packed up and I was helping my family hurry up and go as quickly
as possible.We took fishing poles, hooks,a supply kit, and, of course,
FOOD!!! It took us about 20 min. to pack and go; while those anxious
20 min. I was thinking what would it shape like. It would have a
wonderful scenery but, I forgot that there was animals there like
seabirds [which POOPS wherever it WANTS LIKE CRAZY!!!].
I hope there weren't such thing like poop! Anyway, soon we
were at the shore and I was thinking like the "moment has come". We
soon got out of the car and I was running toward the boat just as my
brother started doing also. Soon we were packing up and I was working
so fast I actually kind of dumped the supplies on board. 10 min.
later, my father and Mr.Jay started putting the boat in the water. I
was flabbergasted about how they were doing that job putting the boat
on the water {actually I thought the truck was going to sink ,but it
can't because there is some hill on the bottom of the port so it won't
sink!} I was thought that was weird but I didn't care, I only cared
about sailing so I waited with my mom and my brother.
5 min. later, we were on the boat sailing with the
engines roaring with might as if it got a lot of free gas coming out
of nowhere! However there I saw birds,other sailors, fishers, canoers,
and , obviously, fish! It was beautiful vast sea of blue! I really
miss go sailing on one of the boats that Mr. Jay has in store for us.

From Kevin, from California

Total 227
번호 제   목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
공지 해외 중고보트 구입요령및 구매대행. 에이스보트 10-28 173716
107 From Kevin, from California Kevin 11-19 14056
106    Hi !! Kevin !! Jay Lee 11-19 13240
105 판매자정보 수정 (1) 최귀영 11-01 13193
104 알고 싶습니다. 장기영 10-18 13105
103    80피트급 파워요트를 선정 하시려면... 에이스보트 10-19 22168
102 안녕 하세요? 운영자님...문의 드립니다. 아반 10-14 13399
101    해외매물을 구매하실 때에는요.. 에이스보트 10-15 14428
100 요트구입에 관한 문의를 드립니다 리미티트 10-09 13663
99    요트의 운송은 구입에서 중요한 부분이지요.. 에이스보트 10-10 16708
98 보트 수입문의합니다. (1) 윤상철 09-28 13936
97 18피트 정도의 피싱보트(중고) 구하려고 합니다. 김윤석 09-24 16081
96    피셔맨의 꿈... (3) 에이스보트 09-25 13930
95 안녕하세요,,,, 몇자 여쭤봅니다.... 권명일 08-28 13492
94    용도에 맞추어서 선택해야 하는 보트... 에이스보트 08-31 14810
93       용도에 맞추어서 선택해야 하는 보트... (1) 권명일 09-01 13985
 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10    
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5, Jeongokhang-ro, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
418,European Ln Fort Pierce FL 34982
257 Straight st. Paterson, NJ 07501
advisor call 1-772-380-4776 , 010-9222-7777
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