작성일 : 08-11-25 08:12
Boat Trip on Marina Del Rey
조회 : 16,439
글쓴이 : Michael

Dear Mr. Jay Lee, 
    We went to Marina Del Rey early in the morning, around 5:00 a.m.  My family and Mr. Jay Lee packed up to go to the Marina Del Rey as fast as we can.  As we were looking for the area, I discovered that there was less shops for food.  We then reached the spot we wanted to go, Marina Del Rey.  We packed up everything that we had, and then we put he boat the in the water, { which I thought it was the most freakiest experience ever!} .  After that, we went passed through the place where the yachts are "parking" their area.  Some of the yachts are surprisingly over 100 ft long!  Some has a helicopter!  Those yachts that are "parking"  people actually live in them, especially those over-100-ft-long boats that I thought was too big to live in.  I was jealous when I first saw the 100 ft yachts  because I would love to drive a yacht as much as I want to drive a car, but I don't have the license to drive them.  What I thought it was hours, it took us 15 minutes to get past all that.  But, when I saw the pure blue ocean, I thought I was free to do whatever I want to do.  At that time, I sprouted a question:how does a yacht work?  That question was answered way too quickly.  All I heard was brief "Hold on!",and we were off!  I didn't hold on quickly enough, and I never knew how powerful the engine of that thing is!!  I nearly fell out of the boat, but there was a lap some- where, and I held on for God's, and my own sake.  I am too early to die a miserable death!  Anyway, I held on, then we did a little fishing for a while, but we got no luck.  So, we went back to the parking lot and started to pack up.  After we finished packing up, Mr. Jay Lee, my brother, and I had to dump out the bait.  Well, that wasn't a problem, my brother and I tossed the bait to the birds at the parking lot.  We called it "the BIRD AUCTION", because every time my brother or I raised a fish, all the bird raised its head.  "Who wants it, $1.00, or $2.00?"  All the birds raised its head and gawked.  After that, we all were done packing and went home, the trip was really beyond words that anybody could say.
Sincerely Michael, from California

Total 227
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경기도 화성시 전곡항로 5 전곡항마리나클럽하우스 Tel : 031-355-3543
5, Jeongokhang-ro, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
418,European Ln Fort Pierce FL 34982
257 Straight st. Paterson, NJ 07501
advisor call 1-772-380-4776 , 010-9222-7777
사업자등록번호 : 119-13-85147