작성일 : 14-12-16 22:28
2014년 슈퍼요트상을 수상한 망구스타 165E 요트 문레이커
조회 : 9,243
글쓴이 : 관리자

Mangusta 165E Yacht MOONRAKER wins Superyacht of the Year 2014 Award

Luxury yacht MOONRAKER features a wide range of unique aesthetic-structural features. These include an impressive side window, a large single panel of glass by the main saloon, providing excellent visibility from the inside and letting in plenty of natural light. In addition, the superstructure of the flybridge houses a large U-shaped divan, giving this striking vessel more modern and aggressive lines.

Run by triple powerful MTU 16V 4000 M93 diesels, Mangusta 165E super yacht MOONRAKER can easily achieve an impressive top speed of 40 knots and a cruising speed of 36 knots, while providing the highest levels of on-board comfort, thanks to process control, the type of composite structures used, soundproofing, vibration control, as well as ergonomic layouts.


아래 영상은 MANGUSTA 165

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경기도 화성시 전곡항로 5 전곡항마리나클럽하우스 Tel : 031-355-3543
5, Jeongokhang-ro, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
418,European Ln Fort Pierce FL 34982
257 Straight st. Paterson, NJ 07501
advisor call 1-772-380-4776 , 010-9222-7777
사업자등록번호 : 119-13-85147